Enabling views and privacy in specific areas through the combination of 3D printing & parametric design

A selection of differnet metall platings are possible: copper, silver, aluminium, stainless steel, etc.

Space Dividers
3D Printed Metallic Wall
Dividers & Screens by NDC in cooperation with DEAURO.
“Extending life cycles
and fighting the pace of consumption.”
NDC's room
dividers consist of 3D printed biopolymers coated in gold, aluminum or indium
tin oxide. The coating gives the geometrically sophisticated interior designs
an extremely strong and reflective effect with a unique identity, radiance and
durability. The 3D structures are used in a variety of ways: e.g. as room
dividers, eye and light guides, sun protection, sound breakers, cladding of
acoustic ceilings and as individual brand carriers. Each design is unique and
is designed individually at the request of the customer. Embedding lettering
and logos enables personalized design and branding with a lasting impact. The coating not only gives the biopolymers or
recycled plastics a visual upgrade, but also extends the functionality and
durability of the material into eternity. This creates a sustainable product
that will never get old again and has the potential to become a
ways of living & working demand for new design solutions”. Interior spaces of
the future adapt to different user groups throughout the day in different times
of the day. These new large format 3D printed screens from New Digital Craft, developed in
cooperation with DEAURO, are wall dividers that organize open spaces to
enable different levels of privacy according to personal needs. Additionally
these screens allow for the integration of your individual branding strategy
(e.g. logos or text lines)
Either you come with a specific design idea or we design it for you. Eitgher way is valid and leeds to a custom made screen for you. Due to the high design flexibility basically everything is possible.
- Individual
design according to your needs: “Everything is possible".
- Refined
metallic surfaces with unique materiality and functionality.
- The sustainable
and refined materials offer longevity for eternity.
- Visual privacy
and perfect sound refraction through functional design.
- Sun protection
or light controllers to improve the daylight quality for every room.
- Different
dimensions are possible: e.g. H: 3000 mm x W: 1200mm x D: 5-15mm
- Can be installed as suspended, free-standing or
- In an open
design or as a protected version, e.g. built into glass.
“A wall
divider that provides privacy and openness at the same time”. How is this
possible and how can this be an advantage for different users within one space?
Combining parametric design techniques with additive manufacturing we can now
structure the wall divider enabling specific views in directions were needed
and blocking views where they are not desired (see last image below).
What could
be the advantage? For example in an open office, you would create a level of
privacy for a meeting area where you want to avoid external views onto the
table or a video screen. On the other hand you want natural light to cast on
the table from another angle or enable views outside the building into nature.
More details for your individual design solution:
application for shops or shop windows: when you want to separate different
areas in an open space or create special attention on an area in your shopping
window (e.g. backdrop for a new product). As well as a brand experience of a
specific geometry that stands for your brand with text or logo.
views due to geometry and perspective change: You can guide
the views of a customer on specific areas. From one angle you can see through,
from another angle the view is blocked. This helps to create privacy zones
within e.g. your open office area or your home.
& recycled materials: The wall is produced with a biodegradable
polymer, which provides you an environmentally friendly interior design
product. Additionally we offer to print the wall with a recycled material that
makes the shift towards a circular product family.
Good sound
refraction due to nested geometry: The sound waves are reflected by the
intricate geometry in different angles and are therefore reducing sound in
comparison to of e.g. normal hard and flat surfaces. By adding extra 3D printed
sound absorbers within the wall you can reach even higher sound absorption.
design only possible with 3D Printing: This unique wall designs cannot be
produced by any other fabrication technology then additive manufacturing.
Metal plating: Through the use of metal plating
by DeAuro the structure receives a high material quality and functional value for a long lifetime of the product and creates a distinct design language with an unique and unseen reflective metallic effect.
Interested to order your own wall divider?
If you have an idea for a design - we can help you to realize it.
Contact us via office@newdigitalcraft.com